2007 Hinckley Lecture - Kristin Anderson Moore: Child and Family Well Being - BYU College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences Skip to main content

2007 Hinckley Lecture - Kristin Anderson Moore: Child and Family Well Being

Image of Dr. Moore

Dr. Moore is a Senior Scholar and Program Area Director for Child Trends a nonprofit, non-partisan research organization dedicated to improving the lives of children. Dr. Moore is a social psychologist who studies trends in child and family well-being, positive development, the determinants and consequences of early sexual activity and parenthood, fatherhood, the effects of family structure and social change on children, and the effects of public policies and poverty on children. Dr. Moore was a founding member of the Task Force on Effective Programs and Research at the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, a member of NICHD Advisory Council, and served as a member of the bipartisan federal Advisory on Welfare Indicators. In 1999, Dr. Moore was awarded the Foundation for Child Development's Centennial Award for her achievements on behalf of children. She also was designated the 2002 Society for Adolescent Medicine Visiting Scholar and received the 2005 American Sociological Association's Distinguished Contribution Award from the Section on Children and Youth. Dr. Moore headed Child Trends for 14 years, and she has recently chosen to return to full-time research. Dr. Moore has a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

2007 Kristin Anderson Moore, Child Trends, Inc.: "Child and Family Well Being: A New Look"