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After the election in November 2024, American Heritage Professors Chris Karpowitz and Kelly Patterson held a Q&A with their students to answer questions about ballot results across the country. It’s part of their commitment to have lectures and discussion in the course that model civil dialogue when talking about topics that can be politically charged.
Parents tend to favor younger siblings, daughters, and the more agreeable—often without realizing it.
On November 2, the Office of Civic Engagement celebrated their 10th anniversary of being civically engaged by hosting a community service project.
The School of Family Life’s Marriage and Family Therapy program put together a new program titled the Marriage and Family Therapy Practice Research Network (MFT-PRN) in 2017. This program is designed to help student therapists improve their skills from the beginning.
BYU psychology professor Gary Burlingame, alongside an international team of psychology professors, developed a website meant to address a long-standing controversy within the mental health profession: the declining research, support and resources for group therapy.
Sleep psychologist says sleep is key to mental health and learning
After 35 years of dedicated service to Brigham Young University, Mike Bridenbaugh is retiring from his role as Assistant Dean and Business Partner in the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences.
Gary Glade is retiring from his role as the Tech Support Team Manager for the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences after more than two decades of dedicated service.
The College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences announced 40 poster winners at this semester’s MLF Mentored Student Research Conference on Thursday, December 5.
On November 13, students and faculty gathered to experience an American Thanksgiving at the Psychology Department's multicultural Friendsgiving. Hosted annually by the department’s Belonging and Diversity Committee for the past four years, the event aims to promote peer mentorship, education, and intersectionality.
As the fall semester progresses, the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences is excited to take a moment and welcome all of the new faculty who joined us this school year! Each of these professors bring a diverse array of expertise in their perspective skills and are ready to help their current and future students reach new heights as they strive to uphold the college’s mission and goals.
Faculty and staff of the College of Family, Home and Social Sciences received awards on August 28, at the college’s annual Fall Meeting. Awards were presented at both the university and college levels.
For the second year in a row, the Wheatley Institute partnered with the School of Family, Home, and Social Sciences to create the Constitution Day Essay Contest.
Mark I. Choate returned in July to his faculty position as a history professor at BYU with a Legion of Merit military award from the United States Armed Forces. The award is the seventh in order of precedence among all U.S. military awards.