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Communications Resources

Let’s Tell Your Story

Did you just get a paper accepted at a journal? Is your student — current or former — doing great stuff or have an unusual story? We want to know!
We always need content for donor reports, websites, videos, news stories, and social media, and to share with University Communications. We’d love to help you find the story in the great work you’re doing.

Get Your Event on the Calendar

Email event details, including a speaker photo, bio, and lecture title and abstract to Based on speaker-level approvals, we’ll add the event to online calendars for the college and the university. Please also ensure your event is scheduled on the college's master calendar by contacting Rachel Dial.

Speaker Approval Request

All speakers at BYU events must be approved before an invitation is offered. For department events, the department chair is the approver. For events where the intended audience is the college or the university, and if the event will be streamed or posted online, please submit your request below.

Speaker Release Form

Guest lecturers at BYU can fill out this form to give permission for their addresses to be recorded, reproduced, published, broadcasted, and/or distributed.

Media Release Form

This form is for media release for photos at events. It is for people to sign at an event to affirm that they know they will be photographed or videoed and gives BYU all rights to media captured.

Design Services

Our team of talented student designers can work with you to create promotional materials including posters, digital signs, brochures, research project logos, and more. Please initiate a project by submitting a request and we will be in touch within 24 business hours. For event promotion, you'll want to start a solid 6-8 weeks prior to your event. For other projects, please be considerate of student schedules with your deadline requests. We're always happy to discuss your needs.

Poster Printing

If you need to print a research poster for an academic event or a promotional poster for the department or college, we’d love to help. The maximum printing width is 44”. For jobs that are small in both size and quantity, we recommend working with Cougar Creations. For jobs that are large in quantity, we recommend BYU Print & Mail. We request lead time of 3 business days for any printing requests.

Display Your Posters

Posters or signs promoting college events and opportunities can be displayed in 6 poster slots in each external stairwell of the JFSB and 4 frames in the KMBL lobby. The Dean’s Office retains the final decision on what is displayed. Deliver 24”x36” foam core-mounted posters to 990 KMBL the Thursday prior to the week of preferred display.

Digital Signs

Digital signs are located in the JFSB southeast lobby and southeast basement, and in the KMBL lobby. Email digital sign requests to with preferred display dates (no more than 2 weeks). Sign files should be attached to the email and must be <2MB and in png, jpg, or gif format. The image size must be 1920x1080 pixels (16:9). Minimize text, maximize contrast, and don’t put critical info within 1/2” of the edge.

We’re Here to Help

If you need any marketing or communications guidance in your department or center, let’s talk. Contact Jennifer Fletcher, communications supervisor, or Jordan Karpowitz, assistant dean.