2009 Hinckley Lecture - William J. Doherty, Parenting Wisely in a Too-Much-of-Everything World - BYU College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences Skip to main content

2009 Hinckley Lecture - William J. Doherty, Parenting Wisely in a Too-Much-of-Everything World

Image of William J. Doherty

Dr. William J. Doherty is a leading family therapist and Director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program at the University of Minnesota. He has authored several books on the subject, including Take Back your Kids: Confident Parenting in Turbulent Times (2000), The Case of Overscheduled Children (2005), and Putting Family First: Successful Strategies for Reclaiming Family Life in a Hurry-Up World (2002). Several of his publications have received national attention with articles in USA Today, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and appearances on Oprah, 20/20, the Today Show, and the CBS Morning Show. He is also a past president of the National Council on Family Relations, the nation's oldest interdisciplinary family studies organization. His work has been recognized by various awards, including the Significant Contribution to the Field of Marriage and Family Therapy Award, the Margaret E. Arcus Award for Outstanding Contribution to Family Life Education, and the Outstanding Community Service Award from the University of Minnesota.

2009 William Doherty, University of Minnesota: "Parenting Wisely in a Too-Much-of-Everything World"