Take a look at the fall GWS 392R lecture lineup! The Global Women's Studies Colloquium lectures present research findings on topics relating to women's lives and experiences throughout history, across the world, and within ethnic, educational, and economic segments of society. Students can earn 1 credit hour each fall and winter semester by enrolling in GWS 392R. All members of the university community are welcome to attend lectures via Zoom.

Global Women's Studies
Fall 2020 Colloquium Schedule
Every other Friday via Zoom 12:00-12:50
11 September
"Gender Norms and Innovation"
Stephanie Plamondon Bair, BYU Law
25 September
"Cherokee Women Trailblazers in the Early 20th Century"
Farina King, Northeastern State History University History and Cherokee & Indigenous Studies
9 October
"Vanishing Voices: Photographing the Last Known Matriarchs of Endangered North American Languages"
Paul Adams, BYU Photography
23 October
"Women and Sound: Pioneers and Fresh Faces in Music Composition"
Juliet White-Smith, The Ohio State University School of Music
6 November
"Black Love: Relationships of Love & Care between Black Women after the Civil War"
LaKisha Simmons, U of Michigan History and Women's Studies
20 November
"How Gender Discrimination & Stereotyping Can Shape Girls' Math & Science Motivations during High School"
Adam A. Rogers, BYU Family Life
4 December
"Classroom Characteristics that Increase Female Participation and Performance in the Life Sciences"
Liz Gibbons Bailey, BYU Biology
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