Clubs to join at the College of Family, Home and Social Sciences - BYU College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences Skip to main content

Clubs to join at the College of Family, Home and Social Sciences

September 29, 2023

Image of a group of BYU students

Curious about how to make the most of your college experience? Classes, homework, and exams can make it difficult to search for further opportunities to develop the skills, experiences, and connections most suited to your specific goals as a student and future college graduate of Family, Home, and Social Sciences. However, thanks to the student-centered emphasis reinforced in President C. Shane Reese’s inaugural address, these personalized opportunities are more accessible than ever before. 

“Each student’s eternal progression must remain our foremost concern,” President Reese said. “To this end, we strive for every student to have an inspiring learning experience.”

The experiences President Reese alludes to come in a variety of experiential learning opportunities. One of the best ways to get involved in activities most suited to your vision and schedule is to join a club.

The College of Family, Home and Social Sciences offers a variety of clubs that act as additional opportunities for students to learn, grow, serve, and have fun! From making sweet treats to discussing politics, your passion of choice can be further explored through one of these organizations:

Anthropology Student Association

  • Meeting Time and Location: Tuesdays, 6 PM at JFSB B137 – any changes will be announced on the club’s Instagram (byu_anthropology_club), Facebook (BYU Anthropology Club), or fliers around campus.
  • Dues: $6 for a semester, $10 for a year
  • Details: "The club leadership has the goal to serve as a supplement to the education of anthropology students as well as to organize weekly social activities, discussions, and workshops that teach about the cultures around the world. These events are aimed to provide all students the opportunity to consider their own interests from new perspectives," according to the BYU club site.

Economics Student Association

  • Meeting Time and Location: Tuesdays, 7 PM at WVB 2145. Announcements can be followed via Instagram (byu_esa)
  • Dues: $20 to register for the club and receive a club t-shirt or pay $10 to register for the club (no t-shirt included).
  • Upcoming event: ‘Negotiation Bootcamp Night,’ Tuesday, Oct 3 at 5:00 PM, West View Building (hopefully conference room).
  • Details: "The Economics Student Association acts as a medium between BYU Economics students and their professors, as well as a facilitator between BYU Economics students and their academic and career goals. This is accomplished by providing economics students with a variety of activities and opportunities to not only help them advance in their specific career paths, but also to get the most of their educational experience while here at BYU," per the BYU club site.

Geography Student Association

  • Meeting Time and Location: Varies. Announcements can be followed via Instagram (byu.gsa)
  • Dues: None
  • Details: Kirsten Sanders, co-president of the Geography Student Association, said, “We aim for one event that’s more fun, lets all of us socialize with our geography peers, and that usually involves treats and games. And the other event we try to do every month is a more professional/career workshops or guest lectures. Basically, our whole goal is to build connections between other students, faculty, alumni, and potential future employers.”

Political Affairs Society (BYUPAS)

  • Meeting Time and Location: Varies. Announcements can be followed after registering to be a member at: The BYUPAS Facebook page:
  • Requirements: Must be at least juniors or seniors, overall 3.5 GPA or higher, major GPA of 3.0, completed 10 credits in political science or international relations and have completed minimum 1 political science course at the 300 level or above.
  • Details: Applications are accepted during March of every year. "The BYU Political Affairs Society's purpose is to increase the capacity of BYU students, faculty, alumni, and friends of the University to positively influence and participate in domestic and international affairs," per the BYUPAS website.

Psych Association

  • Meeting Time and Location: Varies. Announcements can be followed via Instagram (psych.byu)
  • Dues: None
  • Upcoming events: ‘Brownies and Bingo,’ Oct 2nd from 5:30-6:30PM at WSC 3211.
  • Details: "The mission of the Brigham Young University Psych Association is to serve students interested in the field of psychology. We aim to provide information about the different areas of study in psychology, to get you acquainted with the psychology faculty and students to form networking skills, psychology-related employment, attend lectures and forums from within the psychology realm, volunteer opportunities, and graduate school. In addition, we aim to serve as a forum for discussion on psychological issues and student life as undergraduates majoring in psychology. Finally, we aim to put forth our strong interest in the welfare of others by participating in community service events. BYU Psych Association is open to students of all majors with an interest in psychology," per the BYU club site.

Family History Association

  • Meeting Time and Location: Varies. Announcements can be followed via Instagram (byu.familyhistoryclub)
  • Dues: None
  • Details: "The purpose of the BYU Family History Association is to provide useful experiences to majors and minors in the family history program, as well as to those interested in family history research, the program, or the industry. Such experiences include but are not limited to, networking, opportunities for presentation—both presenting and being presented with the opportunity to give and receive feedback, workshops on various family history related topics, and exposure to volunteer and professional opportunities and resources. Additionally, the BYU Family History Association is meant to bring together and promote the wide and varied resources for family history available at Brigham Young University," per the BYU club site.

The School of Family Life Student Association

  • Meeting Time and Location: Varies. Announcements can be followed via Instagram (byusflsa)
  • Dues: $10
  • Details: "As the School of Family Life Student Association, we are dedicated to upholding the family as the basic unit of society and empowering our members with the knowledge, skills and connections needed to be an influence for good in the field of Family Life," per the BYU club site.

Baking Club

  • Meeting Time and Location: B003 JFSB. Days and times vary. Announcements can be followed via Facebook (BYU Baking Club) and Instagram (byubakingclub)
  • Dues: None
  • Details: "Our goal is to create a laid-back environment to bake, taste, and learn about food. For the skilled as well as the beginning baker. We will have guest speakers, demonstrations, and opportunities for all to bring recipes to share. We encourage both success and failure stories to be shared," per the BYU club site.

Partners in Health Engage Club

  • Meeting Time and Location: alternating Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 7pm--starting 9/27 at 7pm, in HRCB 151 (basement of the Kennedy Center).
  • Dues: none
  • Details: Allie Beecroft, president of the Partners in Health Engage Club, said, "The club's goal is to support the NGO Partners in Health, which works to improve global health equity, especially in lower income nations. As a club we fundraise for global health projects. This year we are raising money for a maternal health center in Sierra Leone. We also advocate for global health legislation by reaching out to local and state representatives and we learn more about global health through club activities and presentations."

Now is a great time to get involved in clubs as the semester has just started and many of these clubs have only had a few meetings so far. If you have any questions about requirements to join these clubs, or about their specific activities, do not hesitate to reach out using the information provided in this list.

To learn about more clubs visit the student section of our website or the BYU Student Organizations website.