Career and Leadership Academy - BYU College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences Skip to main content

Career and Leadership Academy

About the Career and Leadership Academy

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new program in the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences called "Career and Leadership Academy." This program is designed to support students in the College with their pursuit of full-time employment after graduation.


We are looking for students who are:

  • A junior or senior with a declared major in the College 
  • Interest in obtaining full-time employment after graduation rather than continuing to a graduate school program
  • Not sure about their career interests, personality, and skills 
  • Not sure how to talk about the career competencies (essential professional skills to ensure career success) they've developed with an undergraduate degree in the social sciences
  • Not sure how to find full-time employment that pays well and provide for future career growth

We encourage students who are members of a group that is typically underrepresented in college — low-income, first-generation, etc. — to apply!

Benefits of the Career and Leadership Academy

  • Receive a $500 scholarship.  
  • Take career interest inventory, personality test, and skill test for free 
  • Connect with members of the College's National Advisory Council
  • Learn from experts about the current job market 
  • Prepare for your career as you attend a 1-credit Academy class.  


To be eligible for the scholarship, you must enroll in a one-credit course, FHSS 251R-section 003.
After completing the Career and Leadership Academy course, students will be able to:

  1. Identify and describe their career interests, personality types, and professional competencies
  2. Demonstrate confidence and self-efficacy 
  3. Are comfortable building a professional network
  4. Present a strong resume and excellent interviewing skills 
  5. Easily recognize career-entry jobs that require a bachelor's degree and match their career interests, personality type, and professional expertise


It’s easy to apply! Just complete the application by November 15, 2024.