Family and Guests Info Page - BYU College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences Skip to main content

Family and Guests Info Page

  • No tickets are required for Convocation.
  • The Marriott Center has a no bag policy for all guests. Exceptions are small bags no larger than 5” x 8” x 1”, medically necessary items, and diaper bags. All guests will go through security upon arrival, so please plan accordingly.
  • Take seating inside the Marriott Center between Portals E – M starting at 10 A.M. and no later than 10:45 A.M. Seating is first come, first served. Accessible seating is located at each portal entrance and is also first come, first served.
  • Graduates in the UPDATE DEPARTMENTS departments will enter from the west tunnel.
  • Graduates in the UPDATE DEPARTMENT LIST departments will enter from the east tunnel. Master’s and PhD students will also enter from the east tunnel.
  • Respect appropriate decorum by being considerate of graduates. Do not use loud noisemakers, such as airhorns or cowbells, as they disrupt the ceremony and interfere with the ability to hear the students’ names.
  • Guests can pick up a physical program or can access an online program while at the Marriott Center.
  • At the end of Convocation, graduates will be directed to exit out the same tunnel they entered and walk to the north or south end of the Marriott Center. Please make plans to meet your graduate on either the north side (parking lot side) or the south side of the Marriott Center.