Picture a Social Scientist Lectures - BYU College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences Skip to main content

Picture a Social Scientist Lectures

What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s a hard question to answer, made even harder if you can’t picture someone like you in the role you dream of.

To promote feelings of belonging, the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences is hosting monthly “Picture a Social Scientist” events that will feature inspiring social science professionals students can relate to.

“Our student body doesn’t always look like our faculty, and that creates a disconnect between role models and the groups we want to reach,” explained Mikaela Dufur, associate dean and professor of sociology. “We have such talented students and we just want to make sure that they know they belong in these spaces.”

The “Picture a Social Scientist” campaign is designed to fulfill two goals: to provide role models in social science for students from underrepresented groups and to help people who aren’t in those groups broaden their picture of what a social scientist is.

“We want underrepresented students to consider potential pathways they can follow to see themselves in social science. And we want to help change people’s perspective so when they picture a psychologist or a geographer or a sociologist, maybe they’ll picture someone who looks different from them and broaden their own minds,” said Dufur.

Articles About Some of Our "Picture a Social Scientist" Lectures

Picture an Immigrant Social Scientist

By Brooklyn Van Orman October 27, 2023 03:03 PM
Three professionals tell how they had to navigate challenges along on their journey, and are incredible social scientists.
October 27, 2023 Read Full Story

Picture a Latinx Social Scientist

By Katelyn Moody December 01, 2022 12:17 PM
In Case You Missed It: Picture a Latinx Social Scientist
November 10, 2022 Read Full Story

Picture a Woman Social Scientist

By BYU College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences October 04, 2022 10:41 AM
Picture a Woman Social Scientist
September 15, 2022 Read Full Story

Picture an Anxious Social Scientist

By Natalie Herbst Durtschi July 18, 2022 06:26 PM
You Can Have Anxiety and Be a Social Scientist—Three Professors Share How
March 31, 2022 Read Full Story