Indicate the date range for display, up to two weeks (all images are removed at the end of each semester)
Files must be less than 2 MB
Allowed file types: .png .gif or .jpg
Images must be exactly 1920x1080 pixels (16:9 aspect ratio)
Please do not put any critical information (like a QR code) within ½” of the edge or in the bottom right corner
Images appear for 10 seconds. Signs with low-contrast colors or a lot of text are not effective
Locations: KMBL main lobby, external JFSB stairwells. Posters are displayed at the discretion of the Dean's Office.
Email your reservation request to: with an image of your poster and dates for display (up to two weeks)
Upon approval, bring the poster* (24x36 inches, mounted on foamcore) to 990 KMBL at least 24 hours before it is scheduled to be displayed.
We highly recommend submitting your request 2 weeks in advance to ensure availability. We will try to accommodate late requests, but early submission guarantees your spot.
*Posters that we design for XP events will be printed and mounted at no cost to you and will automatically be displayed across the college. All other promotional materials must be delivered in a display-ready format.