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Britney Heimuli Articles
After the election in November 2024, American Heritage Professors Chris Karpowitz and Kelly Patterson held a Q&A with their students to answer questions about ballot results across the country. It’s part of their commitment to have lectures and discussion in the course that model civil dialogue when talking about topics that can be politically charged.
BYU psychology professor Gary Burlingame, alongside an international team of psychology professors, developed a website meant to address a long-standing controversy within the mental health profession: the declining research, support and resources for group therapy.
Sleep psychologist says sleep is key to mental health and learning
As the fall semester progresses, the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences is excited to take a moment and welcome all of the new faculty who joined us this school year! Each of these professors bring a diverse array of expertise in their perspective skills and are ready to help their current and future students reach new heights as they strive to uphold the college’s mission and goals.
April 25, 2024
Jonathan Lee Walton Sees Interfaith Harmony as Acknowledging the Divine in All
December 20, 2023