Virginia F. Cutler Lectures - BYU College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences Skip to main content

Virginia F. Cutler Lectures

​This lecture series is named after Virginia F. Cutler, former dean of the College of Family Living (now the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences). Dr. Cutler spent her entire life educating people on the home and family. She also cared deeply about women and people in other nations, and her career took her across the globe as she served people in Thailand, Indonesia and Ghana.

October 2023 - Chris L. Porter

October 2022 - Mikaela Dufur

October 2021 - Jeff Hill

March 2021 - Stephen Duncan

October 2019 - Gordon Limb

October 2018 - Jonathan Sandberg

October 2017 - Laura M. Padilla-Walk​er

February 2017 - Renata Forste

​2015 - Dr. David Dollahite

2011 - Dr. Dean Busby