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Reza Aslan: "Why I Am a Believer: My Journey of Religious Exploration"

Wednesday, September 20
7:30 PM
Hinckley Center Assembly Hall

4th Annual Richard L. Evans Memorial Lecture

Why I Am a Believer: My Journey of Religious Exploration

Aslan was born in Iran, a country where Shia Islam is the dominant faith. His parents moved the family to United States when Reza was seven, and he has lived here since then. At age 15, Reza converted to an Evangelical form of Christianity. Later, in college, further study of Islam prompted his (re)conversion. Today, Aslan finds himself drawn to the Sufi form of Islam, although he continues to hold Shia Islam in high regard. “Aspects of the Shia identity are so deeply embedded in my identity,” comments Aslan, “that I carry them with me regardless of the religion I pursue.”

Dr. Aslan’s lecture is not one to miss and promises to provide a memorable evening of insight and inspiration.

Dr. Reza Aslan

Reza Aslan is a noted writer, religion scholar, sought-after speaker, popular media commentator, and Emmy- and Peabody-nominated producer. The series Aslan produced for CNN — Believer — probed religious faith and customs from around the world in a search for common religious ground. Here are some of the books Aslan has authored:

Aslan’s degrees include a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from Santa Clara University (Major focus: New Testament; Minor: Greek), a Master of Theological Studies from Harvard University (Major focus: History of Religions), a PhD in the Sociology of Religions from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Iowa, where he was named the Truman Capote Fellow in Fiction.

Aslan is Distinguished Professor of Creative Writing at the University of California, Riverside and serves on the board of trustees for the Chicago Theological Seminary and The Yale Humanist Community, which supports atheists, agnostics, and humanists at home and abroad. A member of the American Academy of Religions, the Society of Biblical Literature, and the International Qur’anic Studies Association, Aslan’s previous academic positions include the Wallerstein Distinguished Professor of Religion, Community and Conflict at Drew University in New Jersey (2012-2013), and Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion at the University of Iowa (2000-2003).

He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and their four children.

Students in the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences gain Experience Points for attending this lecture. Learn more about Experience Points.

Contact Information
Grant Underwood